Dog Breeds

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How to train a dog quickly

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs

How to train a dog quickly

Many dog owners are in search of a rapid answer to how to train a dog quickly. For such an urging necessity there are not too many answers, since by “quickly” we don’t mean hours or days but at least a couple of weeks. If you’re wondering how to train a dog quickly you probably also need to know that it is absolutely necessary to practice with the dog as much as possible for the skills to actually develop. Otherwise, training may prove highly ineffectively. Those who want to find out how to train a dog quickly should first turn to special training centers.

Daily intensive practice is the first rule when you learn how to train a dog quickly. For instance, you need to get the dog’s attention that is to establish eye contact with it. Use a piece of meat out of the dog’s reach, reward the animal only when it responds to the name or the stimulus and looks at you. If you really want to learn how to train a dog quickly, you need to set the rules and make the dog play by them all the time. You’ll have to spend constant periods of time together applying the newly-learned stuff.

Don’t insist if the dog shows signs of fatigue, there’s no need to exhaust the dog as learning under such circumstances is ineffective. It may even be detrimental to insist to train a dog quickly. Don’t forget that there are lots of guide books and videos on how to train a dog quickly, and they all mention the need to do everything in the most relaxed way possible, so that neither you nor the animal feel pressure of any kind. It should take at least a week before a skill is developed and only with continuous exercise it will become permanent.

For those who want to learn how to train a dog quickly the following site may be of great help. enables you to find out how to make your life easier with an obedient and reliable pet. Therefore, the question how to train a dog quickly is no longer an issue, once you learn the best way to trigger correct responses from your pet. You can choose to train your dog at home or in a special center, but whichever be the approach, you’ll have to be an active part involved. Have fun!

How to train a dog quickly

Friday, November 14, 2008

Golden Retriever Manual Review

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs

Golden Retriever

This is good news to all dog breeders.The answers,tricks and training techniques that will keep your golden retriever happy and healthy are now here.I came across this e-book after consulting widely.A number of the leading dog training experts recommended it to me though i was hesitant at first before my eyes could see what i was missing.Today a couple of my inner circle trainers refer to me as a dog training guru for enlightening them about the tips i got from this golden retriever manual.
The golden retriever manual will equip the reader with a puppy checklist for those interested in getting a golden retriever.This book details what papers the puppy breeder should give you when purchasing one and advice on temperament and appearance.As an interested golden retriever owner,you get to know the health and hereditary diseases of this breed,problem solving and prevention,teaching tricks and games,diet and nutrition.The development and growth stages of a golden retriever,and golden retriever care(ear,nail,eye,dental and skin)among others.
Since you also need a disciplined dog,the book also covers a whole chapter on obedience.What else would a golden retriever breeder want?All has been covered in this easy to use golden retriever e book.As if this is not enough the book is accompanied by a bonus worth over$100 absolutely free.These include a dog owners handbook,130 dog recipe books,how to be a leader of you pack-video course,dog training tips-audio and a golden retrievers all you need to know-audio.To become an expert in dog training this is all you need.To get the dog retrievers manual click free bonuses.Am yet to come across any other comprehensive easy to use manual for golden retrievers to date.If you have,please drop me a line.

Golden retriever manual review

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dog Training Trick

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs

What is the best dog training trick?

There are hundreds of dog training tricks, some are just basic commands, and others represent complex exercises. No matter what dog training tricks you intend to teach your dog, remember that the learning place mustn't have any distracting element that could get the dog’s attention. Any exercise must contain many rewards as raising your voice won't make the dog understand what you want, it will just get scared. Also remember that dog training tricks require a longer time interval to be taught, as too fast learning is almost impossible for any animal. Don't leave your dog lose interest; simply stop when you feel tired or frustrated because the teaching process is too slow.

One of the best dog training tricks that everybody knows is the “Hello”, most of the audience will be impressed when your dog presents the paw. This is one of the first dog training tricks you can teach your pet. The following steps will help the pet learn further dog training tricks: make your dog sit in front of you, lift its paw gently and shake it easily, when you shake its paw reward it somehow. Repeat this dog training trick procedure constantly and don’t let it go unnoticed no matter the results. After the dog has learned to raise the paw when you stretch your hand in front, start repeating the word “Hello” each time the dog presents its paw. Though it is a simple dog training trick it always brings a smile on the face of any visitor and especially children, they will simply love it instantly.

Another dog training trick is the “Carry” command; it is both funny and useful. Most dogs love carrying bags and though it might look like a difficult to teach dog training trick it is not. The learning process consists of three steps. First, the dog will get used to “Hold” things and not the ones it likes but any object. Each time it takes the object from your hand reward it. After it got used with this command try the “Release” order and give it a reward each time it drops the object in your hands. The last step of this dog training trick consists of teaching the dog to effectively carry a bag; this is simply learned by commanding the dog to hold an object while moving several steps. Call it and when it’s near you give the “Release” command. If you wish to find out about more dog training tricks visit dog training trick where you will find everything you need to know about dogs.

Dog Training Trick

Monday, October 20, 2008

Potty Training a Puppy

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs

Potty training a puppy

Many owners take potty training a puppy as the most important thing to teach a doggie, so that there is no discomfort around the house. What most people don’t know is that when it comes to potty training a puppy, there are various differences between breeds, some being easier to train than others. So, if you haven’t made up your mind yet about which breed to choose, this aspect really needs to be taken into consideration. How difficult could potty training a puppy be? If you have the answer to this question, then you’re on the great way to a wonderful friendship.

When you’re potty training a puppy, you have to be reasonable with the very young ones. They simply have very little control of their bladders and bowels, so as soon as they realize they have to go, it is almost always too late to hold it. Therefore, potty training a puppy may be a patience exercise for you too, don’t get angry at it, since sometimes it is beyond control. Keep it off your carpets until you’re sure it is reliable. Now, let’s have a look at some basic tips for potty training a puppy. First of all, it is best to train the pup so as it works both indoors and outdoors.

The key to successful potty training a puppy is to take it to potty after every meal; make it a routine to take the pup out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you want to apply some general type of potty training for puppies, take the doggie on a leash to the spot you want it to use. After it potties, play with it for a while or offer it a reward so that the pup may grow up with a clear idea of what pleases you or not. Try to feed your puppy on dry food and at the same hour every day, this will give regularity to the animal’s bowel movements too.

Young animals need lots of water, so you may consider that when you’re potty training a puppy. Make sure it has a water bowl at day time, but take it away two hours at least before bedtime. This will allow you the chance of potty training the puppy more efficiently and also saves you the risk of nasty accidents over night. Make sure the spot where it potties is clean all the time, as dogs are very clean animals and they truly want to stay that way. For those of you who don’t feel like potty training a puppy the best solution is to buy an older dog that is trained for the matter.

Potty Training a Puppy

Dog Breeders: Dog Training Obedience Schools

Dog Breeders: Dog Training Obedience Schools

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dog Training Obedience Schools

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs

Dog Obedience Training School

Who wouldn't like to have a most obedient pet around the house? you could take it every where or leave it at home with someone else without worrying it wouldn't listen.This is when dig training schools come into play,as they can work a complete and essential change on your animal.After taking your pet to a dog obedience training school you no longer come back home from work to find chewed shoes and toilet paper.P[us,there is a lot of online assistance to help people sign their pets at dog training obedience schools.

There other severe cases when people take their dogs outside just late in the evening or at night when the chances to meet people or other animals are minimal.Dog training obedience schools are a great opportunity to turn back to a most enjoyable lifestyle for you and your four-legged friend.Many pet owners find choosing a dog obedience training school similar to deciding a child's education.Do a bit of investigation,as you will be part of the program too in order to learn to establish contact with the animal.

Let's see the necessary criteria for you to find the best dog obedience training school.Recommendations make first hand information,a work colleague,a neighbor or a friend may suggest the services of a specific dog training obedience school.Maybe some of the tips available in a site like this one here will help you make up your mind.Go have a look at the dog training obedience school campus,check the surrounding,talk to trainers and get familiar to the overall atmosphere of the place.Keep in mind that for maximum results your pet needs to be happy at the dog training obedience school.

Last but not least ,it is highly important that both you and your pet feel at ease with the trainer at the dog training obedience school,otherwise the efforts may be a waste of time and money.Dog training obedience schools don't target very young animals, though it is known that the younger the dog the easier the adaptation process.Yet,this is not a rule,maybe you recently adopted a dog and you need the support of a professional dog training obedience school to help you socialize the animal.With gentleness,lots of love and patience,chances of success go as high as 99%,so,no need to worry!

Dog Obedience Training School

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dog Training At Home

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs.

Dog Training At Home

When we talk about dog training at home we think of the rewarding feeling of being of being able to develop an animal's skills,but there is a lot of work and effort involved in the process of dog training too.Dog training at home begins with potty training and continues with complex tasks and commands.However, before you start dog training at home you will have to find some professional information on dog health and care.The very basic ''sit'' and ''hello'' are among the first tricks of dog training at home,followed by the leash walk as an essential part of the process of dog socializing.

Many pet owners choose to turn to the professional pet videos that teach them dog training at home.There are usually two types of approaches to dog training at home and in general: the collar treatment and the reward based-program.Studies conducted in recent years have shown that dog training at home by using very positive methods is likely to create social and highly reliable animals, that will not only listen to your commands but will always be on guard when it comes to the safety of your family.Dog training at home may not have professional background but surely has an emotional touch.

Once you start dog training at home don't limit to teaching the dog how to raise the paw or sit when ordered.You can take dog training at home a little further and show the animal how to play ''fetch''.It begins by using one of the pets favorite toys,but it has to result in the animal's ability to bring any object.No matter the purpose of dog training at home, keep in my mind that reward is the magic key to get your dog;s mind.Every time it performs an action,the need will need encouragement to continue; therefore an affectionate moment is welcome and appreciated as much as some good treat.

Dog training at home takes a lot of time and energy,and many people find it a true challenge.However,time should not be a problem as long as you can turn your animal and lavish a little attention on it.You can even practice fetch during a commercial just like any other commands learned during at home training.By all means avoid bullying the dog or raising your voice,as such manifestations develop aggression or fear.You can get more of these tips by clicking here

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dog Breeders

Welcome to my dog breeders blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs.
